Monday, April 27, 2020

Welcome To Your Week: April 27, 2020

Gratitude: Finding Three Good Things Each Day | Pine Rest Blog

Focus: What is quarantine offering us that we're grateful for? How do we use our time meaningfully?

1. Warming up with Welcome To Your Week; I'd love for you send me your three good things :)

2. Practicing effectively for your A.P. Lit test by following these steps, in this order:

Step 1: Open up your previous timed writing and listen to your screencast of feedback. If you have questions, feel free to set up a quick conference with me!

Step 2: Watch THIS (it's a short screencast)before you do your timed writing to review our class takeaways from last Friday and to understand your task this upcoming Friday.

Here is the Google doc version of last week's takeaways and this week's takeaways on prose timed writings (also shared directly with you last Thursday via your school e-mail address)

Step 3: Find 45 minutes TODAY (preferably) to complete your timed writing, which you can find in your school e-mail as a PDF. Share your Google doc with me.

Weekly Endeavors:


1. TODAY: Follow the steps above and complete your timed writing (in your school e-mail).

2. TUESDAY: Complete the next big installment of your Big Question Blog, which is to explore the second subpoint (claim / insight) you uncovered in your brainstorming a few weeks ago. I'm working on mine as an example, but it's quite similar to the blog post you did 2 weeks ago.

3. THURSDAY: Attend our live timed writing workshop at 1:30.

4. BY FRIDAY: Watch the A.P. Lit review session that will help you the most; add your name and takeaways to this document (and here's the screencast explaining this assignment, also posted above).


5. Creative writing / mental health exercise posted on Tuesdays

6. Ongoing Vocabulary:
  • Review Lists 1-7 and take the cumulative test linked HERE.
  • Check Quizlet for brand-new List #8 and start getting to know those words. An optional quiz is now available and linked here.

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