Thursday, September 26, 2019

Approaching the Sonnet: September 26, 2019

Focus: What do we need to reflect on to help us progress?

1. Warming up with Billy Collins'  and Edna St. Vincent Millay's meta-sonnets
  • What are they teaching us about sonnets?
2. Exploring "An Echo from Willow-wood"
  • Moments: Which images, diction, etc. make you pause/take a moment?
  • Movement: What patterns can you uncover? Are there any shifts?
  • Multiple Meanings: What do you think the poet is trying to do here (tone/themes)?
*A mini break for a puzzle challenge (and metaphor)*

3Reading and marking up Foster's "If It's Square, It's a Sonnet" 
  • How does the form contribute to the poem's meaning?
4. Trying out your newfound sonnet knowledge on Keats

1. For Friday: Read Chapters 8 through 11 and prepare your next Socratic ticket.

2. For next Tuesday, Oct 1: Decide which sonnet to perform your metacognitive timed writing on. Be sure to bring the actual sonnet to class that day.

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