1. Warming up with "In Other News..."
2. Briefly introducing you to the culminating essay
3. Predicting the types of questions the MC poetry passages will ask of you
4. Close reading a Dickinson poem, predicting the question stems, and answering some MC questions
M (Moments)
- What images are you noticing?
- What verbs strike you?
- What do the images all have in common?
- What do the verbs all have in common?
M (Meanings)
- What is the speaker's attitude towards ________? What's the tone of this poem?
1. Warming up with Q&A
2. Writing to calm down the spinning
3. Trying out an anxiety meditation together
4. Figuring out what we can control: Coming up with a book club plan
- What can you work into your meetings to mitigate anxiety?
- If your book club needs to be virtual, what would be the best platform for you guys?
1. FRIDAY: Third round of assigned book club reading and syllabus.
2. Next WEDNESDAY: Cumulative test on Academic Vocab, Sets 1-7 (no new words).
3. ONGOING: Interested in revising your poetry essay? Stop in for a 60-second chat!
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