Monday, January 27, 2020

The Myth of the Happy Slave: January 27, 2020

Focus: Why is Beloved an important narrative for us to read?

1. Warming up with three good things

2. Understanding the myth of the happy slave

(You can make a copy of the Google slides and type in the note section under each slide, or you can jot down ideas in your composition notebook.)
  • What stands out to you in each image?
  • What specific myth of slavery does each image propagate, and for what purpose?
  • For each slide, find one line from Beloved that challenges / undoes the myth.
  • So far, what do you see as Morrison's intent in writing this story?
3. Watching part of Ethnic Notions to understand stereotypes about slaves

1. For WEDNESDAY: Study your first three vocabulary lists for a brief quiz.

3. For THURSDAY: Finish Part 1 (Chapters 13-18--it's a little under 50 pages) and complete your Socratic ticket. Everyone will submit a ticket that day.

3. THIS FRIDAY, JAN 31 WILL BE THE POEM METACOGNITIVE: Decide on your poetry paper/project poem and bring it to class. Remember that it should be from a different genre / time period than your 1st poem.

4. ONGOING: Serial Reading and scrolling through your first three vocabulary lists.

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