Tuesday, January 7, 2020

It's a New Year! January 7, 2020

Focus: How does A.P. Literature get even better in 2020?

1. Warming up with three good things

2. Indulging in some excellent New Year's poetry

  • Round Robin, stanza-by-stanza reading of the first three poems.
  • Perusing the rest at your own pace
  • Responding in one of two ways (10-15 minutes):
    • Find one or two lines that capture your thoughts about 2019/2020. Write them out and respond to them.
    • Find one poem that speaks to you. Perform a mini metacognitive of it.
  • Sharing beautiful words, questions, and epiphanies

3. Taking a look at what's new in A.P. Lit this semester


  • Take on 20 minutes of Serial Reader.
  • Look over Academic Vocabulary, List 1 (mini quiz next week on Jan 15).

2. FOR THURSDAY: Ask your parents/guardians to sign our class syllabus.

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