Monday, February 10, 2020

Left-Handed Poems: February 10, 2020

Focus: How can you use the other side of your brain to think about a poem's syntax and structure?

1. Warming up with three good things, our Valentine of the Day, and a recommitment to our classroom as a screen-free zone

2. Enjoying James Galvin's "Left Handed Poem"
  • Find one line with unusual syntax or an unusual line break.  
  • Try rewriting it in a way that makes it more "usual."  
  • What did it lose?
  • What makes this poem "left-handed"?
3. Trying out your own left-handed poems (or right-handed if you're a lefty like me)

4. Reflecting on the process: How did writing with your non-dominant hand affect your writing? Did it affect your syntax? Line breaks? Other?

1. For TUESDAY: Finish Part 2 and create your Socratic ticket. This will be a very important Socratic over all of Part 2, so please make every effort to be caught up.

2. WEDNESDAY: We will have a short assessment on Academic Vocabulary, List 4. We will not have much time to review in class, so please review on your own. Also, LAPTOPS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED ON READING DAYS FROM NOW ON.

3. FRIDAY: Read through the first half of Part 3 (to about page 110); create your ticket for our Socratic.

4. For next TUESDAY, FEB 18: Share with me your poetry thesis (along with any outlining you have) or your project plan.

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