Thursday, November 7, 2019

I Hope You Like Enjambing, Too: November 7, 2019

Focus: How can enjambment help us find meaning in modern poems?

1. Warming up with enjambment and meeting some of my favorite 20th century poets

2. Reading "The Writer" and trying out the multiple choice questions
  • Performing an MMM reading on the poem as a class: 
    • Moments (which images, sounds, metaphors, words, etc. make you take a moment to pause?)
    • Movements (Where does the poem shift? Is there physical movement in the poem? What larger patterns emerge?)
    • Multiple meanings (What do you make of the author's complex tone and themes?)
  • Choosing the answers in silent partnerships
3. Reviewing a few key questions together

1. FOR FRIDAY: Finish East of Eden! Complete your final reading ticket by doing the following:
  • Select one motif (water, apples, the color gray, Cain & Abel, etc.).
  • Describe where the motif has shown up previously, and address where/how it comes into play in the final chapters (include quotations/page numbers).
  • What has this motif contributed to the meaning of the work as a whole. In other words, why do you think Steinbeck developed this particular motif?
2. BY MONDAY: Complete your next Big Question Blog for East of Eden to prepare for Monday's timed writing.

3. By next FRIDAY, NOV 15: Select your paper/project poem and bring it to class for a metacognitive writing.

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