1. Warming with three good things and five minutes to get thyself ready
2. Performing Acts 2 and 3 of A Midsummer Night's Dream; using each other's opening questions and selected passages to analyze each scene
1. (Optional) By Wednesday, December 4: Turn in your typed, printed one-pager on the Shakespearean film you have watched (see overview).
2. WEDNESDAY this week will be a paper/project work day. Bring what you need.
3. Next MONDAY, DEC 9: Papers/projects due.
Because we will be at the end of the semester, please note the following:
1. No extensions will be granted.
2. You will NOT be able to revise these because you won't get them back until your final.
This has been your only A.P. Literature homework for the past 23 nights. Please make sure that your final product is college-worthy.